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How To Nurture Your Customers


Awesome!!! You’re crushing it in sales and making deals left and right. You’re selling your products and services like crazy. People want what you have and they are paying you hand over fist to get what you’re offering. You feel happy and on top of the world. Business is booming and growing fast to meet the demand that you worked hard to market and advertise to.


There’s one thing looming, though, that you don't even see. Hiding in the shadows, just lurking. Maybe you can’t see it because the glaze of your immediate success and business growth has blinded you. You feel its presence but just can’t seem to put your finger on what it could be. It's definitely something you can’t ignore forever. I’ll clue you in. It’s the sound, and presence of a vacuum. A black hole your current customers are being sucked into, or maybe just falling into willingly.


You're asking yourself, “Why are my customers leaving?”, “Do they not like my service or product?”. I can tell you with strong confidence that is not the issue at all. You may be doing great at your craft, but what happens to your customers or clients after the sale, after the deal, after the contract has been signed? You might say, “I have no idea, I assume they are happy with my product or service.” They very well might be, but imagine how much more satisfied they would feel if you checked in on them after the fact. This could be as easy as sending them a thank you letter, or a follow-up email. Listen- they trusted you and they liked you, and that’s likely what led them to buy from you. Now, you should learn how to NURTURE your customers after the sale.

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