Wait, were you just pretending to get their money? Do you mean to tell me that all you’re worried about is getting them to sign the contract and pass over the check or credit card? Well, consider that your first mistaken step on the long walk of shame is called “business failure”. Climbing to success takes time, and without clients to support you, there’s no way you’ll ever reach your goals.
Setting customer expectations correctly is so important and has to be done fast or you will face a business life of nightmares. Part of the strategy in setting expectations is nurturing your customers. In our industry, we call this the DELIGHT stage. Now your full-time focus, beyond closing deals and getting contracts signed, is to nurture your customers and make sure they know you care. Pardon my analogies, but it’s true that to have a happy marriage you should still date your wife throughout your future, not just in the beginning. We should always be mindful of catering and caring for our customers, beyond the final sale. Below are just a few ways in which you can accomplish this:
Send a welcome letter right after the sale (you can automate this in some cases, but I always make it personal)
Gift company coffee mugs
Create cool caps or t-shirts with your company logo on it (or even their company logo)
Hand out unique company stickers
Gift movie tickets, gift cards, or baskets
Now don’t be lame and use these items to get customers as some companies do. This is meant for after the sale totally unannounced and almost in a covert operation black OPs way. When they least expect it is when it is more powerful and has more meaning to them. It will keep you in their mind and get across the message that you actually give a damn. Try these out and you might just get a customer singing your praises to others and increase the line at your door. There is nothing better than getting continuous sales from a rockstar client simply because you took the time to nurture them.
Get off that path to failure, and on the upward slope to success.
Learn more on how REVOLUTION WEB STUDIOS can help you at https://www.revolutionwebstudios.com
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