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What Does RELATIONSHIP Have To Do With It????

What Does RELATIONSHIP Have To Do With It????

Dont worry this is not an article about candle light dinners and long walks in the park, unless your running a dating service or business.

A relationship has everything to do with online marketing, but it is hard for us to shift our minds to that mode when we are thinking business strategies. It takes getting to know a person and understanding that creating a relationship with a prospect to become a customer happens over a series of interactions. I can not tell you how many times in my business over the years that I did not build that solid of a relationship with someone and they did not stick around as a client for very long. Its sad and can be disheartening, but did you really give it you're all to really connect with them. Maybe you were so pre-occupied or blind, as I like to say to, by your own sales process or desperation to collect money. The result was you lost because you never took the tiny extra steps in being relational.


Marketing has taken rabbit trails all over the place in the last decade. It's time we get back to our roots and have a shift because what has taken place so far is a drift off course. A shift that helps us understand that marketing is psychology and if you understand anything about the psychology of humans the reality is things change in our society's way of thinking and feeling all the time. By all means, I am no psychology expert, but I am a guru at understanding how websites and online marketing can affect someone emotionally or mentally just based on my many years of experience in the digital marketing industry.


More and more, younger and younger we as humans are relying on technology to tell us how we should think, feel, function and even sometimes make decisions. That's why it is so important that when we market our products and services or solutions that we take the responsibility in the execution of it in a way that we are not just pushing our products or solutions onto some poor soul. Smothering them in the goo of your icky sales and manipulation tactics just to get to the greenbacks. I'm not saying in any way that we should not get paid. Just bringing to light the fact of what we should be doing to get more leads and customers is in our message.


You're probably saying to your self, "I have a great message." Ok, and you might have a great message, but how are you delivering it. Are you delivering it in a way that makes sense, or are you coming across like the hot dog guy at a baseball game? There has to be a place you recognize that taking responsibility in positioning your products and services to a prospect solves one of two things. One they need your stuff to solve their problem or second they need your stuff to make their life better. Sorry for the word stuff, but that seems to work in this sense.

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